Coffee time with company sféra, a.s.
Renewables and their integration into the grid, microgrids, aggregation and smart flexibility management
Chair: Ľubica Ragulová, Východoslovenská energetika Holding a.s.
You are invited for a coffee break by company OSIsoft Czech Republic, s.r.o.
You are invited for a lunch by company Slovenská elektrizačná prenosová sústava, a.s.
New EU priorities, national energy and climate plan, developments in neighbouring countries, incl. Ukraine
Chair: Ľubica Ragulová, Východoslovenská energetika Holding a.s.
You are invited for a coffee break by company OKTE, a.s.
Upcoming roles of TSOs and DSOs, new market participants (aggregator, energy communities, prosumers), regulation in dynamic era
Chair: Lenka Ferenčáková, sféra, a.s.
The end of official programme - Day 1
Current state of district heating and national policies, EU policy developments, optimum fuel mix
Chair: Rastislav Hanulák, Capitol Legal Group, advokátska kancelária s. r. o.
You are invited for a coffee break by company OKTE, a.s.
Investments in national power grid, crossborder lines and distribution netweorks in the region, investments in regional gas projects
Chair: Richard Kvasňovský, Slovak Gas and Oil Association
The end of official programme - Day 1